
This WordPress plugin is for you

You know CSS, but don’t have legitimacy to apply it ?

Just use the code-highlighted editor with live preview

You manage a multisite network ?

You work with webmasters which want to customize WP but think that “CSS” means “Custom Super Style”

Define sets of add-ons, theme per theme to let admin pick them

You just want to use predefined styles on your blog ?

Just ask your super-admin to install this plugin 😉


What does CSS Custom Addons exactly do ?

This plugin works as well for standard single site or multisite network.

The power user can create a set of CSS rules, easily pickable with live preview.

It adds the list of addons in the customize view (under appearance) and webmaster just have to check the ones they want.
That’s it.
For coder webmasters, a free field let them put there own CSS in a code-highlighted editor.

Predefined libraries are also available:

  • Bootstrap
  • GithubCSS
  • Knacss
  • MarkdownCSS
  • Normalize
  • Skeleton
  • YUI 3